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#2 Simpson Tee Sign.jpg

The Most Beautiful, Longest Lasting Tee Sign Ever Made

Custom Tee Signs Sold Throughout Canada and the United States

This will be the last tee sign you will ever need to purchase. Made out of cut Canadian granite stone; complete with all information and design. Signs we built 35 years ago for the Sue Saint Marie golf course are still being used today. We provide custom tee signs made of natural granite boulders proven to stand the test of time. Each guaranteed to add beauty, class and elegance to all environments placed into. 

3 feet tall, 700lbs on average
Easy installation
2025 Tee Sign Special - We pay freight anywhere in Canada or USA

Stone 3' X 2' X 18"

Without Hole Design
With Hole Design

Not Polished

Can. $2,000    USA $1,600

Can $3,500    USA $2,800


Can. $2,500    USA $2,000

Can. $4,000    USA $3,200

Order a set before April 1st, 2025, and receive a free stone welcome clubhouse sign


Many obtain our tee signs free through various sponsorship programs. You can contact us to learn more about these programs.

Examples of Our Products


Golf Tee Signs


We offer the following tee sign styles:

Cut boulder tee sign: This is a beautiful natural cut stone with design deeply engraved into the face. This is the most natural tee sign found in the industry today.


Granite sign on rock bracket: This is a standard size granite plaque mounted on a rock or boulder using a custom bracket.


Grey granite pedestal: This is a tall and elegant way of displaying golf hole information on a granite pedestal.


Advertising sign: This is available in any size depending on your need and space availability: Most common 20"x10" or 20"x14".

Many golf courses obtain their signs by purchasing direct; through membership donations and advertising programs.

golf tree

Classic Golf Tee Signs

Turn to us for beautiful and long-lasting golf tee signs.

Canadian Rock Signs Ltd.

Contact Us

Phone: 403-782-4883

Fax: 403-782-4873
Toll-Free: 1-800-463-7446
4527 48 Ave Lacombe, AB

T4L 2C1

Incorporated 1988

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Saturday: By appointments only

Sunday: Closed

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